Group Five--EWWG

Group Project



Our seven facts about the author

1. Zora Neale Hurston was a utopian, who held that black Americans could attain sovereignty from white American society and all its bigotry

2. In her writings she would glorify Eatonville as a utopia where black Americans could live independent of the prejudices of white society

3. Graduated from Morgan Academy (high school division of Morgan College (now Morgan State University) in 1918. 

4. Attended Howard University and received her B.A. in anthropology from Barnard College, Columbia University in 1928.

 Five facts on the novel

1. written in 1937 written in 1937

Group members






  1. "Zora Neale Hurston." Women in History. Lakewood Public Library, OH. 23 Feb. 2007 <>.
  2. Erika, Koss, Kipen David, and Gioia Dana. "Their Eyes Were Watching God Other Works/Adaptions." The Big Read. National Endowments for the Arts. 23 Feb. 2007 <>.





When should we meet?

Who When I can meet
Jesse M-F, 8am-5pm
Chris Anytime after 2pm
Dana Saturday, 5pm
Pat Sunday, 4pm-8pm




Keep your drafts here so you can refer to earlier versions.


Draft 1

Draft 2